; These are taken from the USB HID Usage Tables, section 10 ; The first column is the USB Usage ID ; The second column is derived from the keycode name ; "Keyboard" is omitted, and "Keypad" is abbreviated KP ; Code 40 "Return" is changed to "Enter" since there is another ; key named "Return" ; The third column (optional) is a corresponding name that only ; contains alphanumeric characters and spaces. ; Note: 255 must be unused (it means "none") 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8 E 9 F 10 G 11 H 12 I 13 J 14 K 15 L 16 M 17 N 18 O 19 P 20 Q 21 R 22 S 23 T 24 U 25 V 26 W 27 X 28 Y 29 Z 30 1 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 0 40 Enter 41 Escape 42 Delete 43 Tab 44 Space 45 - Minus 46 = Equals 47 [ Left Bracket 48 ] Right Bracket 49 \ Backslash 50 Non-US # NonUS Pound 51 ; Semicolon 52 ' Quote 53 ` Grave 54 , Comma 55 . Period 56 / Slash 57 Caps Lock 58 F1 59 F2 60 F3 61 F4 62 F5 63 F6 64 F7 65 F8 66 F9 67 F10 68 F11 69 F12 70 Print Screen 71 Scroll Lock 72 Pause 73 Insert 74 Home 75 Page Up 76 Delete Forward 77 End 78 Page Down 79 Right 80 Left 81 Down 82 Up 83 KP NumLock 84 KP / KP Divide 85 KP * KP Multiply 86 KP - KP Subtract 87 KP + KP Add 88 KP Enter 89 KP 1 90 KP 2 91 KP 3 92 KP 4 93 KP 5 94 KP 6 95 KP 7 96 KP 8 97 KP 9 98 KP 0 99 KP . KP Point 100 Non-US \ NonUS Backslash 101 Application 102 Power 103 KP = KP Equals 104 F13 105 F14 106 F15 107 F16 108 F17 109 F18 110 F19 111 F20 112 F21 113 F22 114 F23 115 F24 116 Execute 117 Help 118 Menu 119 Select 120 Stop 121 Again 122 Undo 123 Cut 124 Copy 125 Paste 126 Find 127 Mute 128 Volume Up 129 Volume Down 130 Locking Caps Lock 131 Locking Num Lock 132 Locking Scroll Lock 133 KP Comma 134 KP Equal Sign 135 International 1 136 International 2 137 International 3 138 International 4 139 International 5 140 International 6 141 International 7 142 International 8 143 International 9 144 Lang 1 145 Lang 2 146 Lang 3 147 Lang 4 148 Lang 5 149 Lang 6 150 Lang 7 151 Lang 8 152 Lang 9 153 Alternate Erase 154 SysReq/Attention SysReq 155 Cancel 156 Clear 157 Prior 158 Return 159 Separator 160 Out 161 Oper 162 Clear/Again Clear 163 CrSel/Props CrSel 164 ExSel ; reserved 176 KP 00 177 KP 000 178 Thousands Separator 179 Decimal Separator 180 Currency Unit 181 Currency Sub-unit Currency Subunit 182 KP ( KP Left Paren 183 KP ) KP Right Paren 184 KP { KP Left Brace 185 KP } KP Right Brace 186 KP Tab 187 KP Backspace 188 KP A 189 KP B 190 KP C 191 KP D 192 KP E 193 KP F 194 KP XOR 195 KP ^ KP Caret 196 KP % KP Percent 197 KP < KP Less Than 198 KP > KP Greater Than 199 KP & KP And 200 KP && KP Double And 201 KP | KP Pipe 202 KP || KP Double Pipe 203 KP : KP Colon 204 KP # KP Pound 205 KP Space 206 KP @ KP At Sign 207 KP ! KP Exclamation 208 KP Memory Store 209 KP Memory Recall 210 KP Memory Clear 211 KP Memory Add 212 KP Memory Subtract 213 KP Memory Multiply 214 KP Memory Divide 215 KP +/- KP Plus Minus 216 KP Clear 217 KP Clear Entry 218 KP Binary 219 KP Octal 220 KP Decimal 221 KP Hexadecimal ; reserved 224 Left Control 225 Left Shift 226 Left Alt 227 Left GUI 228 Right Control 229 Right Shift 230 Right Alt 231 Right GUI