import sys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal else: from pip._vendor.typing_extensions import Literal # pragma: no cover from ._loop import loop_last if TYPE_CHECKING: from import ConsoleOptions class Box: """Defines characters to render boxes. ┌─┬┐ top │ ││ head ├─┼┤ head_row │ ││ mid ├─┼┤ row ├─┼┤ foot_row │ ││ foot └─┴┘ bottom Args: box (str): Characters making up box. ascii (bool, optional): True if this box uses ascii characters only. Default is False. """ def __init__(self, box: str, *, ascii: bool = False) -> None: self._box = box self.ascii = ascii line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8 = box.splitlines() # top self.top_left,, self.top_divider, self.top_right = iter(line1) # head self.head_left, _, self.head_vertical, self.head_right = iter(line2) # head_row ( self.head_row_left, self.head_row_horizontal, self.head_row_cross, self.head_row_right, ) = iter(line3) # mid self.mid_left, _, self.mid_vertical, self.mid_right = iter(line4) # row self.row_left, self.row_horizontal, self.row_cross, self.row_right = iter(line5) # foot_row ( self.foot_row_left, self.foot_row_horizontal, self.foot_row_cross, self.foot_row_right, ) = iter(line6) # foot self.foot_left, _, self.foot_vertical, self.foot_right = iter(line7) # bottom self.bottom_left, self.bottom, self.bottom_divider, self.bottom_right = iter( line8 ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Box(...)" def __str__(self) -> str: return self._box def substitute(self, options: "ConsoleOptions", safe: bool = True) -> "Box": """Substitute this box for another if it won't render due to platform issues. Args: options (ConsoleOptions): Console options used in rendering. safe (bool, optional): Substitute this for another Box if there are known problems displaying on the platform (currently only relevant on Windows). Default is True. Returns: Box: A different Box or the same Box. """ box = self if options.legacy_windows and safe: box = LEGACY_WINDOWS_SUBSTITUTIONS.get(box, box) if options.ascii_only and not box.ascii: box = ASCII return box def get_top(self, widths: Iterable[int]) -> str: """Get the top of a simple box. Args: widths (List[int]): Widths of columns. Returns: str: A string of box characters. """ parts: List[str] = [] append = parts.append append(self.top_left) for last, width in loop_last(widths): append( * width) if not last: append(self.top_divider) append(self.top_right) return "".join(parts) def get_row( self, widths: Iterable[int], level: Literal["head", "row", "foot", "mid"] = "row", edge: bool = True, ) -> str: """Get the top of a simple box. Args: width (List[int]): Widths of columns. Returns: str: A string of box characters. """ if level == "head": left = self.head_row_left horizontal = self.head_row_horizontal cross = self.head_row_cross right = self.head_row_right elif level == "row": left = self.row_left horizontal = self.row_horizontal cross = self.row_cross right = self.row_right elif level == "mid": left = self.mid_left horizontal = " " cross = self.mid_vertical right = self.mid_right elif level == "foot": left = self.foot_row_left horizontal = self.foot_row_horizontal cross = self.foot_row_cross right = self.foot_row_right else: raise ValueError("level must be 'head', 'row' or 'foot'") parts: List[str] = [] append = parts.append if edge: append(left) for last, width in loop_last(widths): append(horizontal * width) if not last: append(cross) if edge: append(right) return "".join(parts) def get_bottom(self, widths: Iterable[int]) -> str: """Get the bottom of a simple box. Args: widths (List[int]): Widths of columns. Returns: str: A string of box characters. """ parts: List[str] = [] append = parts.append append(self.bottom_left) for last, width in loop_last(widths): append(self.bottom * width) if not last: append(self.bottom_divider) append(self.bottom_right) return "".join(parts) ASCII: Box = Box( """\ +--+ | || |-+| | || |-+| |-+| | || +--+ """, ascii=True, ) ASCII2: Box = Box( """\ +-++ | || +-++ | || +-++ +-++ | || +-++ """, ascii=True, ) ASCII_DOUBLE_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ +-++ | || +=++ | || +-++ +-++ | || +-++ """, ascii=True, ) SQUARE: Box = Box( """\ ┌─┬┐ │ ││ ├─┼┤ │ ││ ├─┼┤ ├─┼┤ │ ││ └─┴┘ """ ) SQUARE_DOUBLE_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ ┌─┬┐ │ ││ ╞═╪╡ │ ││ ├─┼┤ ├─┼┤ │ ││ └─┴┘ """ ) MINIMAL: Box = Box( """\ ╷ │ ╶─┼╴ │ ╶─┼╴ ╶─┼╴ │ ╵ """ ) MINIMAL_HEAVY_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ ╷ │ ╺━┿╸ │ ╶─┼╴ ╶─┼╴ │ ╵ """ ) MINIMAL_DOUBLE_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ ╷ │ ═╪ │ ─┼ ─┼ │ ╵ """ ) SIMPLE: Box = Box( """\ ── ── """ ) SIMPLE_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ ── """ ) SIMPLE_HEAVY: Box = Box( """\ ━━ ━━ """ ) HORIZONTALS: Box = Box( """\ ── ── ── ── ── """ ) ROUNDED: Box = Box( """\ ╭─┬╮ │ ││ ├─┼┤ │ ││ ├─┼┤ ├─┼┤ │ ││ ╰─┴╯ """ ) HEAVY: Box = Box( """\ ┏━┳┓ ┃ ┃┃ ┣━╋┫ ┃ ┃┃ ┣━╋┫ ┣━╋┫ ┃ ┃┃ ┗━┻┛ """ ) HEAVY_EDGE: Box = Box( """\ ┏━┯┓ ┃ │┃ ┠─┼┨ ┃ │┃ ┠─┼┨ ┠─┼┨ ┃ │┃ ┗━┷┛ """ ) HEAVY_HEAD: Box = Box( """\ ┏━┳┓ ┃ ┃┃ ┡━╇┩ │ ││ ├─┼┤ ├─┼┤ │ ││ └─┴┘ """ ) DOUBLE: Box = Box( """\ ╔═╦╗ ║ ║║ ╠═╬╣ ║ ║║ ╠═╬╣ ╠═╬╣ ║ ║║ ╚═╩╝ """ ) DOUBLE_EDGE: Box = Box( """\ ╔═╤╗ ║ │║ ╟─┼╢ ║ │║ ╟─┼╢ ╟─┼╢ ║ │║ ╚═╧╝ """ ) # Map Boxes that don't render with raster fonts on to equivalent that do LEGACY_WINDOWS_SUBSTITUTIONS = { ROUNDED: SQUARE, MINIMAL_HEAVY_HEAD: MINIMAL, SIMPLE_HEAVY: SIMPLE, HEAVY: SQUARE, HEAVY_EDGE: SQUARE, HEAVY_HEAD: SQUARE, } if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from import Columns from import Panel from . import box as box from .console import Console from .table import Table from .text import Text console = Console(record=True) BOXES = [ "ASCII", "ASCII2", "ASCII_DOUBLE_HEAD", "SQUARE", "SQUARE_DOUBLE_HEAD", "MINIMAL", "MINIMAL_HEAVY_HEAD", "MINIMAL_DOUBLE_HEAD", "SIMPLE", "SIMPLE_HEAD", "SIMPLE_HEAVY", "HORIZONTALS", "ROUNDED", "HEAVY", "HEAVY_EDGE", "HEAVY_HEAD", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE_EDGE", ] console.print(Panel("[bold green]Box Constants", style="green"), justify="center") console.print() columns = Columns(expand=True, padding=2) for box_name in sorted(BOXES): table = Table( show_footer=True, style="dim", border_style="not dim", expand=True ) table.add_column("Header 1", "Footer 1") table.add_column("Header 2", "Footer 2") table.add_row("Cell", "Cell") table.add_row("Cell", "Cell") = getattr(box, box_name) table.title = Text(f"box.{box_name}", style="magenta") columns.add_renderable(table) console.print(columns) # console.save_html("box.html", inline_styles=True)