Home Hosting


The oxasploits network is now proudly offering hosting packages!

We have geared up to host everything from custom web applications, high security custom compute configurations, to shared shell accounts.

Hosting packages are designed specifically to fit your needs. I can set up a variety of dev stacks, and specialize in secured environments.

Shell Accounts

I also offer access to FreeBSD shell accounts at $2/mo in a shared environment. These work well as learning environments, long running screen/tmux sessions, irc, scripts that need to run off-site, cronjobs, etc. Please do not try to access other users data without permission, your account will be locked. If you need a piece of software that is not installed, feel free to Email me, and I might install it for you, but that is at my discretion.

To acquire a shell, send an email to oxagast@oxasploits.com with your desired username, public key, as well as any software packages or special accommodations you need. Put “shell account - oxasploits” in the subject. I take bitcoin as well as Paypal as payment.

Software: screen, tmux, git, irssi, bitchx, cron, vim, nano, bash, zsh, lynx, wget, curl, gcc, python3, perl, bc, sed, awk, ssh2, ftp client, dos2unix, base64…. and many more utilties.

Custom Environments

Since every environment is set up customized for your specific application, there are too many configurations to list here, however feel free to Email me for a quote. Make sure to include specifics on how you would like your environment set up, we can accommodate serving on most major operating systems. Any licenses needed for setting up closed source software on your nodes should be acquired by you, the buyer, but we are able to assist you on choosing from options available to you to best suit your needs.

The fine print:

If I am for whatever reason unable to accommodate your request, I will let you know as soon as possible.

Some things we do not allow on our hosted servers, and you will be notified that your servers will be suspended if we come to the conclusion that you are: running a botnet, running a spam campaign of any type, obtaining access to machines on which you are not explicitly authorized to run a security test on, performing denial of service attacks, serving any content that is illegal in the United State of America. Things also not covered here can also get you a suspension or banned from using our services at, and we have the means to terminate your account at any time, for any reason. Just use your head.