
Creating a secured terminal paste tool
Having a disuccsion with a friend about termbin and that the only viable improvement to the system would most probably be in/out encryption, (src hosted at github). Enter me, a bored coder, who decided to take on the challenge of creating an SSL clone.
End-user usage
Install ncat which is usually a part of the nmap package, but sometimes standalone.
sudo pacman -Sy extra/nmap
sudo apt install ncat
sudo dnf install nmap
Then to use the code after the server is set up and working (there is one free to use and live at spaste.oxasploits.com:8888) just add:
alias sp='ncat --verify-ssl --ssl spaste.oxasploits.com 8888'
OR use the less elegant but more portable solution if unable to install ncat:
alias sp="openssl s_client -quiet -connect spaste.oxasploits.com:8888 2>/dev/null"
To your .bashrc. Then source it so it works in the current session:
source ~/.bashrc
Then you can just run commands and pipe their output to the sp, which will return a link to the pasted content in a terminal.
cat /etc/passwd | sp
For example.
The terminal paste code
This requires a valid SSL certificate for both the HTTPS server (I used vanilla Apache) and for spaste.pl itself. I used letsencrypt to generate a valid root authority verifiable certificate, because it’s free, secure, and the setup is pretty painless. I would also recommend creating an ssl group and a spaste user to run this under (not root), just in case there are unknown security vulnerabilities, which is entirely possible since I wrote this in about 35 minutes total. I put put the spaste repo in /var/www/spaste/ and gave spaste.pl group perission to read from my ssl certificate and private key, and permissions to write to the /var/www/html webserver root directory to actually create the paste files.
# __ _ _ __ ___ __ ____ ____
# / ( \/ )/ _\ / __)/ _\/ ___(_ _)
# ( O ) (/ ( (_ / \___ \ )(
# \__(_/\_\_/\_/\___\_/\_(____/(__)
# By oxagast, thanks to termbin.org creators for the idea.
# I would suggest creating an ssl user and pastebot user for this for security reasons.
# Set the permissions on your valid cert.pm and privkey.pem and on the directory on the
# webserver.
# useage: ./spaste.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl ( "F_GETFL", "F_SETFL", "O_NONBLOCK" );
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use threads;
chdir "/var/www/spaste/";
my $logfile = "/var/log/spaste.log"; # log
my $proot = "/var/www/html/"; # paste root if not default
my $host = "spaste.oxasploits.com"; # change to your server
my $srvname = "https://" . $host;
my $port = "8888";
my $cer = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" . $host . "/cert.pem"; # use your cert
my $key = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" . $host . "/privkey.pem"; # use your privkey
my $sock = IO::Socket::IP->new(
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
LocalPort => $port,
Blocking => 0,
ReuseAddr => 1
) or die $!;
my $WITH_THREADS = 0; # the switch!!
while (1) {
eval {
my $cl = $sock->accept(); # threaded accept
if ($cl) {
my $th = threads->create( \&client, $cl );
}; # eval
if ($@) {
print STDERR "ex: $@\n";
} # forever
sub client # worker
my $cl = shift;
open(LOG, '>>', $logfile) or die $!;
# upgrade INET socket to SSL
$cl = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL(
SSL_server => 1,
SSL_cert_file => $cer,
SSL_key_file => $key
) or die $@;
# unblock
my $flags = fcntl( $cl, F_GETFL, 0 ) or die $!;
fcntl( $cl, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK ) or die $!;
print STDERR $cl->peerhost . "/" . $cl->peerport . "\n";
print LOG $cl->peerhost . "/" . $cl->peerport . "\n";
while (1) {
my $ret = "";
# for (my $i = 0; $i < 100; $i ++)
$ret = $cl->read( my $recv, 50000 );
# faults here if with threads!
my $uniq = 0;
if ( defined($ret) && length($recv) > 0 ) {
my $rndid = "";
while ( $uniq != 1 ) {
$rndid = genuniq();
if ( -e "$proot$rndid" ) {
$uniq = 0;
else {
$uniq = 1;
if ( $uniq == 1 ) {
writef( $rndid, $recv, $cl, $logfile );
sub writef() {
my ( $rndid, $recv, $cl, $logfile ) = @_;
open(LOG, '>>', $logfile) or die $!;
print LOG "$rndid : storing at $proot$rndid\n";
print "$rndid : storing at $proot$rndid\n";
print LOG "$rndid : serving at $srvname/$rndid\n";
print "$rndid : serving at $srvname/$rndid\n";
my $filename = $proot . $rndid;
open( P, '>', $filename ) or die $!;
print P $recv;
print $cl "$srvname/$rndid" . "\n";
return 1;
sub genuniq {
my $pasid; # for unique paste identifier
my @set = ( 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9 );
my $num = $#set;
$pasid .= $set[ rand($num) ] for 1 .. 8;
return $pasid; # push it back
I would also suggest adding the following to your /etc/apache2.conf so that mime types of files without extensions are handled correctly (ex. files containing PHP aren’t rendered incorrectly in the browser, etc).
# prevents files without an extension from having a mime
# type other than text.
<FilesMatch "^[^.]+$">
ForceType text/plain
I’ve also written a systemd script that will restart the service after any crashes and make it startable on boot.
Description=SPaste Process Restart Upstart Script
After=auditd.service systemd-user-sessions.service time-sync.target
ExecStart=perl /var/www/spaste/spaste.pl
Update: In addition to this, as suggested by a user on Freenode, I have made spaste more secure by running a find-based rm as a cronjob every morning at 8 am removing files older than a week. This can be accomplished by adding the following to root’s crontab:
0 8 * * * find /var/www/html/ -type f -mtime +7 ! -name "?*.*" -execdir rm -- '{}' \;
In conclusion, I don’t know if this “service” will take off, but if it does, I’m hosting it at spaste.oxasploits.com.
If you enjoy my work, sponsor or hire me! I work hard keeping oxasploits running!
Bitcoin Address:
Thank you so much and happy hacking!